Sunday, June 27, 2010

Everything is coming in early!

What a strange spring and summer we're having this year. Spring came about a month early - 2010 was the first year without ANY measurable snow in March in the history of measuring snow. And spring actually had arrived by March 21 this year, two months ahead of when it usually springs up here in Rochester. By late May we were experiencing days in the 70s and 80s, and now we are only 7 days into the official summer season and I'm already harvesting herbs! This weekend's crop was lavender. I spent the day clipping, washing and drying, and my house smells wonderful. Next weekend the dried lavender will be sewn into sachets - gifts from the garden. This seasonal cycle has been quite lovely, but I hope it doesn't mean a short summer or an early winter. Warm weather is so much more fun than shoveling snow!